Combining iterators and generators in JavaScript

Combining iterators and generators in JavaScript

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that allows developers to work with a variety of data structures, including arrays and objects. One of the most useful features of JavaScript is the ability to iterate over these data structures using iterators and generators.

JavaScript offers several ways to iterate over collections of data, including for loops, for...of loops, and the Array.prototype.forEach() method. However, these methods can be cumbersome for more complex iteration tasks. In this article, we will explore how twe can combine iterators and generators to create more efficient and expressive iteration patterns in JavaScript.


An iterator is an object that can be used to iterate over a collection of data. In JavaScript, an iterator is any object that implements the next() method. The next() method returns an object with two properties: value and done. The value property contains the next item in the collection, and the done property is a boolean that indicates whether the iterator has reached the end of the collection.

Here is an example of an iterator that iterates over an array of numbers:

function makeIterator (params) {
    let index = 0;
    return {
        next : function(){
            if (index < params.length){
                return {value: params[index++], done: false}

            } else {
                return {done: true}

let num = makeIterator([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
console.log( //Ouput: { value: 1, done: false }
console.log( //Ouput: { value: 2, done: false }
console.log( //Ouput: { value: 3, done: false }
console.log( //Ouput: { value: 4, done: false }
console.log( //Ouput: { value: 5, done: false }
console.log( //Ouput: { done: true }

This code defines a function makeIterator that takes in a single parameter params. Inside the function, a variable index is initialized to 0. The function returns an object with a single method "next".

When the next method is called, it checks if the current value of index is less than the length of the params array. If it is, it returns an object with two properties, value and done. The value property is set to the current value of the params array at the index of index, and then index is incremented by 1. The done property is set to false.

If the current value of index is not less than the length of the params array, it means that all the elements of the array have been accessed and the method returns an object with only one property done and its value is set to true.


In JavaScript, the Symbol.iterator property is a built-in symbol that defines the default iterator for an object. This iterator is a function that returns an object with a next() method, which is used to iterate over the object's properties. The next() method returns an object with two properties: value, which is the next value in the iteration, and done, which is a boolean that indicates whether the iteration is complete.

class MakeIterator{
    constructor(data){ = data;

    [Symbol.iterator]() {
        let index = 0;
        return {
            next: () => {
                if (index < {
                    return { value:[index++],done: false}
                } else {
                    return { value: undefined, done: true }

let fruits = new MakeIterator(['apple', 'strawberry', 'orange','mango', 'banana'])

for (let fruit of fruits) {
    console.log(fruit) //Output: apple, strawberry, orange, mango, banana

This code creates a class called MakeIterator that takes in an array of data as a parameter in its constructor. The class also has a special method called Symbol.iterator which is used to create an iterator for the data. The iterator has a property called next which is a function that returns an object with two properties: value and done. When the iterator is used in a for-of loop, the next function is called repeatedly until the done property is true. The value property is used to return the next item in the data array. In this example, the class is used to create an instance of MakeIterator called fruits and passed an array of fruits and a number to it. The for-of loop is then used to log each item in the fruits array to the console.


Generators, on the other hand, are special functions that can be used to generate a sequence of values. They allow you to create an iterator that can be paused and resumed at any point in the iteration process.

For example, you can create a generator that generates a sequence of Fibonacci numbers like this

function* fibonacci() {
    let current = 0, next = 1;
    while (true) {
        yield current;
        [current, next] = [next, current + next];

for (let num of fibonacci()) {
    console.log(num); //Output: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89 
    if (num > 100) break;

The fibonacci function above generates a sequence of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, usually starting with 0 and 1.

The function uses a while loop that will continue running indefinitely (as long as the condition true is met). Within the loop, the function uses the yield keyword to return the current number in the sequence and then updates the current and next numbers using array destructuring.

After the function is defined, there is a for...of loop that calls the fibonacci function and logs each number in the sequence to the console. The loop also has a condition that if the number being logged is greater than 100, the loop will break and stop running. So the output in the console will show the first 12 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence and then stop.

Combining Iterators and Generators

Now that we have a basic understanding of how iterators and generators work in JavaScript, we can combine them to create powerful and efficient code.

For example, we can use a generator to generate a sequence of data and an iterator to traverse through it and perform a specific action.

// Problem: Retrieve a list of items from a database and process them one at a time 
// Generator function to retrieve items from the database 
function* retrieveItems() {
  // Connect to the database
  const connection = yield connectToDatabase();
  // Retrieve the list of items
  const items = yield connection.query("SELECT * FROM items");
  // Close the database connection
  yield connection.close();
  // Return the list of items
  return items;

// Iterator function to process the items
function processItems(items) {
  // Create an iterator
  const iterator = items[Symbol.iterator]();
  // Process each item
  for (let item of iterator) {
    // Do something with the item

// Usage
const generator = retrieveItems();
const connection =;
const items =;

The code above defines two functions: retrieveItems() and processItems(). The retrieveItems() function is a generator function, which uses the yield keyword to pause execution and return a value.

The retrieveItems() function first uses the yield keyword to connect to a database and retrieve a connection object. It then uses the connection object to query the database and retrieve a list of items. The function then uses the yield keyword again to close the database connection. Finally, the function returns the list of items.

The processItems() function takes in a list of items as a parameter and creates an iterator using the Symbol.iterator method. The function then uses a for-of loop to iterate through the items and logs each item to the console.

In the usage section, the retrieveItems() generator function is called and assigned to a variable generator. The next() method is used to start the generator function and retrieve the first value, which is the connection object. The next() method is used again, passing in the connection object as an argument, to retrieve the list of items. The list of items is then passed as a parameter to the processItems() function, which iterates through the items and logs them to the console.

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